Thanks for your reply!
Happy holidays! You're receiving this message because our records show that you replied to a text message from us at some point in 2024. Our new technology is still a work in progress, so we aren't yet able to process replies directly from texts.
But we're working to build a future where your voice matters in the Democratic party, which means we still want to hear from you!

If you're trying to unsubscribe from our texts, go back to the message you just got and reply the word "Stop." Our system will be opt you out automatically.
Thanks for your response! Can you take just one minute to answer a few questions for our digital focus group?
One more thing:
President Obama once said that
"The people who represent you at the state level have more of an impact on your life than elected officials in Washington."

Full disclosure: once you submit, we'll ask you to support our work. We want you to know that your response is important to us whether or not you're able to donate today.
Thanks! Before you go: with Trump's minions taking control of the federal government, Democrats need a new strategy to fight back in the media and at the polls.
Here's how we'll do it:
Analyze the focus group data to figure out where Democrats are failing and share the results in our new podcast, so that party leadership can't look away.
Scale our new media technology to help Democrats win up and down the ballot in 2026 and 2028.
But unlike special interests who spend millions to buy influence, we're 100% grassroots funded.
Our fight is just getting started, and we can't afford to miss our end of year goal. So will you chip in and help us build the tools Democrats need to win?

If you saved your info with ActBlue, your donation will go thru immediately.
FEC laws prevent us from raising money for individual campaigns in our texts. So we built a cutting-edge dashboard to help you contribute down-ballot directly!
Unlike most PACs, our surveys are not just ways to ask for money. We appreciate your response whether or not you're able to donate today, and we invite you to hear our expert analysis of the results!