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Ken Martin was elected as DNC Chair. Here's who our focus group of supporters like you wanted to win:

Screenshot 2025-02-01 at 2.31.54 PM.png

Martin was behind in our poll, but most of the focus group did not have an opinion. Now that the results are in, we need to know:

Do you approve of Ken Martin as the new DNC Chair?

Thanks for your time! Can you take just one minute to answer a few more questions for our digital focus group?

(questions may be repeated for tracking data)

We appreciate your support for Democrats. Which campaigns or organizations have you made donations to? (check all that apply)
Do you trust national Democratic Party leaders to invest your donations effectively?
Did you know that there are special elections at the state and local level THIS YEAR, and they're Democrats' best chance to fight back against Trump's MAGA Agenda?*



*Federal election laws prevent us from sharing specifics on states-level elections on this page, so we have a way for you to help local Democrats once you submit.

Response saved! Before you go:

President Obama once said that

"The people who represent you at the state level have more of an impact on your life than elected officials in Washington."

But many state-level Democrats don't have the resources to resist Trump's MAGA agenda because the party spent most of its money at the top of the ticket in 2024.


Here's our plan to fix that:

  • Share and respond to your focus group answers in our podcast, so Democratic Party leaders have no excuse to ignore you.

  • Scale our new media technology to help Democrats at all ballot levels win for years to come.


We're 100% supporter-funded, and for this to work, we need to show Democratic leaders the power of our grassroots movement!

So will you chip in to help build the tools Democrats need to win?



If you saved your info with ActBlue, your donation will go thru immediately.

FEC laws prevent us from raising money for individual campaigns in our texts. So we built a cutting-edge dashboard to help you contribute down-ballot directly!

Unlike most PACs, our surveys are not just ways to ask for money. We appreciate your response whether or not you're able to donate today, and we invite you to hear our expert analysis of the results!

Version 2.0. Paid for by New. Digital. Now. PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Privacy Policy

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