When Michelle Obama took the stage at the DNC Tuesday night, she reminded us of “the contagious power of hope” that has been “buried too deep for far too long.”
Whether you’re relishing in nostalgia for 2008 or feeling that patriotic feeling of hope for the first time, our focus group data shows that Democrats like you are excited and energetic!
Before the convention, the majority of our focus group was most excited to see Kamala Harris take the stage. But in our follow-up survey, many said it was Michelle Obama who stole the show:

To be clear: 99% of the follow-up survey respondents approved of Kamala Harris’s speech, with 81% rating it as “incredible.”
Not only did she effectively prosecute the case against Trump, but in doing so, she boldly reclaimed the patriotism his MAGA minions have stolen. Her speech was a much-needed reminder that America is a land of freedom, opportunity, and justice for ALL the people.
But while Harris’s every word will be scrutinized and twisted by right wing media, Michelle Obama was free to say what we were all thinking.
We gathered the comments on the convention from our focus group, and her message of hope clearly resonated:

So, what does this all mean going forward?
We’ve been tracking how worried our focus group is that Trump will win since 7/14/2024, and Democrats like you are more confident now than ever before.
As hopeful as we all are, though, we cannot get complacent.
Michelle Obama asked each and every one of us to do something, so it’s time to get to work!
Looking for something you can do to help out?